AMC’s PREACHER Gets A Second, Bigger Season

You guys still watching this show or what?

According to The Playlist, AMC just ordered up a second season of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg's Preacher. And that's not all - they're bulking up their order, throwing down for thirteen episodes rather than season one's ten. 

I think this is good news? I've been following Preacher since week one, and while my opinion of the series fluctuates wildly from week to week (things hit their lowest point in episode four, but picked up again this past Sunday in episode five), overall I feel like I'm willing to stick with it for the time being. If that sounds like a lukewarm endorsement, it's because it is.

The main problem, of course, is the pacing. I can deal with virtually every other diversion they've made from the source material thus far, but the decision to keep Jesse and company kicking around Annville (for what I expect will be the remainder of the first season) could turn out to be a critical error. Who would've predicted that a Preacher series might tread this much water? 

Obviously, I'm withholding any final judgments on that until I see what Rogen and Goldberg have planned for the season as a whole, but right now I'm growing increasingly exasperated with season one's wheel-spinning. Let's get these guys out on the road and see what happens!

How are you guys feeling about Preacher so far? Have you stuck with it, or are you going to wait until you can marathon it, all in one go? Also, how do you see season one playing out? (My prediction: we'll see the literal explosion of Annville as Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy drive off into the sunset). 
