Paul Feig’s GHOSTBUSTERS Is Getting A 15-Minute Extended Cut On Blu-Ray

It's a bad week to be a GhostBro.

For the GhostBros, these are dark times, indeed.

Yesterday, the review embargo dropped on Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot, and the consensus wasn't instantly poisonous (read Devin's review here). Indeed, just twenty-four hours later, the film now stands at a totally-respectable 79% on Rotten Tomatoes. People seem legitimately excited to see the movie. And now, in a new interview with Collider, Feig has confirmed that a 15-minute extended cut will arrive on Blu-ray once the film's done destroying childhoods in theaters.

Says Feig: 

“We actually just finished (the extended cut) so it’s about another 15 minutes longer, but I will also include a lot of the deleted scenes and extra material that we have on the DVD.”

What's more, Sony even hooked Feig up with the money to add finished effects to the new footage:

“It’s actually some stuff that we finished the VFX on just because we wanted to have this nice-looking extended cut too, so it was very kind of the studio to let us finish all of that.”

This is pretty exciting stuff! Unless, of course, you're not feeling this new iteration of Ghostbusters for some reason. Then I'd imagine this is just 15 more minutes of bad news. If that's you, consider this: thing's could've been a lot worse. At one point, Feig had a three-and-a-half hour cut of the film assembled.

"The editor’s first cut was 4 hours and 15 minutes, and I trimmed that down to a slim 3 and a half hours (laughs). We generate a lot of stuff and I always wanna have all the underpinnings of a big, emotional story, and because of that it just added a lot of extra scenes that as you’re going through, you know you have to make a lot of choices because I knew I had to bring this down under two hours. You just start weeding and saying, ‘What do people want to delve deeper into and what do we wanna just kind of skirt through and get to the fun parts?’”

Did he trim down to the best stuff? Most of us will find out when Ghostbusters opens this coming Friday. You get your tickets yet
