The Team Behind STRANGER THINGS Has A Plan For Season Two

Give them whatever they need, Netflix.

Warning: the comments thread on this post will be filled with spoilers.

In a new interview with Slashfilm, Stranger Things executive producer Shawn Levy (who also directed episodes of the show's fantastic first season) says the creative team behind the show has a plan in place for future seasons...should the show get picked up (spoiler: it'll get picked up).

Asked if they already have a story cracked for season two - and if it'd bring back the same characters - Levy says:

"The answer is yes and yes. We definitely are hopeful to go several more seasons. And the plan is to continue with this set of characters while introducing a few critical key new ones next season. So I’ll just say that a lot of the big mysteries get answered at the end of Season 1, but we are very much kind of unearthing new problems and questions that merit future stories and future investigation in the most enjoyable way.

"We are in love with our cast and our characters. Things end up being resolved to some extent at the end of Season 1, but not entirely. And that’s why we’re so hopeful we get another few seasons to live with these people a little longer.”

"Not entirely" is right. While the response to Stranger Things has been largely positive, the biggest point of contention seems to be the show's season finale, where a number of plot threads are left dangling and a few new interesting wrinkles get introduced.

Personally, I was fine with this approach - I felt satisfied with the answers we were given, and feel safe trusting the show to resolve any loose narrative threads in a follow-up season - but I've spoken to several people who clearly wish season one had been more self-contained. 

On a related note: since writing about the show's first season at the end of last week, I've been inundated with messages from people asking for a spoiler thread. This post seems like a good place to get that going. Please feel free to use the comments below to discuss any and all Stranger Things spoilers: dangling plot threads, newly-launched mysteries, what have you. I'm curious to hear your take on things. 
