Composer Podcast: Mac Quayle Scores MR. ROBOT

Can't hack it? Listen to composer Mac Quayle...he can.

I’ve the opinions of many different people who claim that television is actually better than movies are today. That may be true. I’m not much of a television watcher so I can’t pretend to be an authority, but I do recognize and listen to the upsurge of praise heaped upon small screen episodic content. Part of its resurgence in the last decade is credited to music. It’s true that television hasn’t always had the reputation for harboring great music; however, lately it’s become a breeding ground for some of the most inventive, imaginative, and creative scores known in media.

One of the shows mentioned in this conversation is the USA Network’s Mr. Robot (2015- ) starring Rami Malek and Christian Slater. I’ve had a number people recommend it to me and tell me how fantastic it is along with its score; I haven’t yet seen an episode, though. Perhaps this week’s composer podcast will be the catalyst to get my eyes and ears on this highly-regarded show.

Mac Quayle is the composer for the show and is garnering attention for his clever use of synthesizers which give the score an overall techie sound while still packing the emotion. Quayle is also a composer that folks don’t know too much about so this podcast is fresh ground to learn a lot about a rising star in the world of film and television music.

As always Tony Giles of The Damn Fine Cast does a great job interviewing Mr. Quayle and giving us a healthy helping of the ingredients that make up his creative mojo.

