He says au revoir to GAMBIT.

Justice League Dark has been kicking around for a while; originally this was to be Guillermo del Toro's foray into the DC superhero world. But Guillermo fell off, which is a bummer - I was with him in New York City one night when he met with Deadman creator Arnold Drake to get his direct insight on the character. It was a cool experience, and Guillermo was 100% invested in the characters. 

But the world we live in is imperfect, and schedules didn't work out and now Justice League Dark is called Dark Universe and it's in the hands of Doug Liman, who has sort of done superheroes in the past with Jumper (which I liked, don't @ me), but this sort of supernatural stuff is very new to him. Is he a good choice? Maybe! I like Liman and his work, and I'm curious to see what a Dark Universe movie looks like in a post-Suicide Squad world. In fact I can't believe Dark Universe exists in a post-Suicide Squad world, if we're being really honest. 

The line up of the team is the same (and just as excellent) as it was under del Toro: Deadman, Zatanna, Etrigan the Demon, Swamp Thing and, according to Variety, "Det. John Constantine." That's an interesting way of printing his name, so I reached out to Variety's reporter and asked about it and was told that's how his source described the character. Could this version of John Constantine be a cop? Could he be the Rick Flagg of this team, the Joel Kinnaman of this movie? Jesus, I hope not... but I'm not putting any bad idea past Warner Bros at this point. 

This means, of course, that Doug Liman is officially off Gambit, aka The Worst Idea For A Superhero Movie Ever. Will that movie ever even happen? Hey, I thought Justice League Dark was dead, so who knows. 

One last thing: when GdT was on JLD it was not a DC Movieverse film, but according to Variety it now is, and it will play a 'major role' in that movieverse. Suicide Squad already brought eldritch magic into the universe, so I guess the doors are wide open for all sorts of shit to come in from beyond. 
