You’ll Never Believe It, But This Clip From Rob Zombie’s 31 Features Greasepaint, Blood And F-Bombs

In which Rob Zombie retreats to his comfort zone.

Say what you will about Rob Zombie's directorial output, but for my money no other filmmaker - American or otherwise - has displayed such a steadfast commitment to greasepaint, deeply unpleasant homicidal rednecks and the f-word ("fuck"). This is the bread and butter the Zombie filmography has been built upon.

Zombie's last film, The Lords Of Salem, turned its back on those staples (more or less), and the results were decidedly mixed. The director's next project, the crowd-funded 31, appears to find Zombie getting back to basics, as illustrated in this just-released clip from the film.

That's Richard Brake (Game Of Thrones' Night King) slathering on the greasepaint and punching himself in the face. He'll be playing a character named Doom-Head in 31, and...look, I don't want to jump to any conclusions as to the quality of this character's, er, character, but I have the sneaking suspicion that he is not a pleasant person (see also: the punching, the murder talk, a general sense of skeeviness). 

For those of you who haven't been paying attention, here's 31's official plot synopsis:

Five friends are kidnapped on the day before Halloween and are held hostage in a terrifying place named Murder World. While trapped, they must play a violent game called 31, in which the mission is to survive 12 hours against a gang of evil clowns.

Yup. This all checks out! 

31 is gearing up for a nationwide, one-night-only Fandom screening on September 1st (you can see if it's playing near you at this link) before receiving its theatrical wide release on October 21st. You guys gonna go see it or what?
