Harmony Korine Will Adapt Alissa Nutting’s Wildly Controversial Novel, TAMPA

Can't imagine the resulting film will be controversial, though.

It's been quite a while since Harmony Korine unleashed Spring Breakers upon a generally unsuspecting populace. So long, in fact, that you might have forgotten that Korine's still out there, biding his time and plugging away at his own series of weird side-projects until we forget that it could happen again at any minute. That time may be upon us.

According to The Playlist, Korine recently revealed that he's working on an adaptation of Alissa Nutting's controversial (and critically-acclaimed!) 2013 novel, Tampa. Why so controversial? Well:

In Alissa Nutting’s novel Tampa, Celeste Price, a smoldering 26-year-old middle-school teacher in Florida, unrepentantly recounts her elaborate and sociopathically determined seduction of a 14-year-old student.

That's from the book's official synopsis. Here's the rest:

Celeste has chosen and lured the charmingly modest Jack Patrick into her web. Jack is enthralled and in awe of his eighth-grade teacher, and, most importantly, willing to accept Celeste’s terms for a secret relationship—car rides after dark, rendezvous at Jack’s house while his single father works the late shift, and body-slamming erotic encounters in Celeste’s empty classroom. In slaking her sexual thirst, Celeste Price is remorseless and deviously free of hesitation, a monstress of pure motivation. She deceives everyone, is close to no one, and cares little for anything but her pleasure.

Tampa is a sexually explicit, virtuosically satirical, American Psycho–esque rendering of a monstrously misplaced but undeterrable desire. Laced with black humor and crackling sexualized prose, Alissa Nutting’s Tampa is a grand, seriocomic examination of the want behind student / teacher affairs and a scorching literary debut.

Yeah, so, you can see why this might have raised a few eyebrows. You can probably also imagine how a Harmony Korine adaptation of this material might also have the potential to raise eyebrows. You can't see it right now, but I am taking frequent breaks while writing this post to clap my hands together in excitement. 

But, wait: there's more! The Playlist also says Korine suggested the project might be headed for HBO. That right there is the cherry on top of this particular sundae. And since I won't be able to top it (and since there's nothing further to report at this time), I will now see myself out.

Good day.
