Todd McFarlane Insists Another SPAWN Movie Is Happening

For serious this time, guys.

According to, an upcoming episode of Kevin Smith's Geeking Out will feature a new interview with Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, who insists that his perpetually-gestating Spawn reboot is still a thing that might actually happen. 

Asked if a new Spawn movie really is in the works, McFarlane says, "The short answer is yes" (which, quite frankly, only makes you wonder what the long answer is), and that this new iteration won't be a sequel to the 1997 Spawn movie we all owned the soundtrack to in 10th grade.

This one, McFarlane says, will be built upon "a dark, R-rated, scary, badass sort of script", and will not prominently feature the Spawn character. Instead, "you're never going to see a dude in a rubber suit...This is going to be my Jaws shark." He elaborates:

"In the background, there’s this thing moving around, this boogeyman. That boogeyman just happens to be something that you and I, intellectually, know is Spawn. Will he look like he did in the first movie? No. Will he have a supervillain he fights? No. He’s going to be the spectre, the ghost."

If you're thinking that all of this sounds awfully familiar, it's because we've heard it before. Everything McFarlane's saying now jibes with his previous descriptions of the project (that the new Spawn will be dark, R-rated, gritty, and will keep the titular character largely off-screen). The only real update here is that McFarlane has whittled his script down to a tight 183 pages (he says it'll probably end up being "around 140"), and that he'd still very much like to make this movie, if anyone out there's interested. Anyone at all! 

Does any of this mean that another Spawn movie will happen? Absolutely not. Is it likely? My feeling is that the superhero genre is bigger than it's ever been, so if Spawn's going to get another at-bat, it'll happen sooner rather than later (Deadpool might very well have directly paved the way for that to happen). The bigger question is: are you guys interested in another Spawn movie? Sound off below.
