The Duffer Brothers Think STRANGER THINGS Will Last Four Or Five Seasons

Maybe more, maybe less, but that's the idea.

According to a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, the Duffer Brothers - masterminds behind the hit Netflix series Stranger Things - say they figure the show will last four or five seasons, topped off with a "finite ending". 

Here's the exchange:

Right now, the Duffers are envisioning Things will last four or five seasons but that can all change.

“Everything changes as we move forward so we’ll see,” says Ross Duffer. Adds Matt Duffer, “I want it to have a really finite ending. I don’t want it to be one of those shows that runs out of gas and they lose it because they’re losing interest. You wanna end when you’re on top.”

Right now the brothers are hard at work on Stranger Things' second season, which will arrive on Netflix later this year, and which will apparently also set the stage for things that will take place in the show's future seasons.

Says Ross Duffer, “Hopefully you’ll come to the end of season 2 and feel fully satisfied and want more but you’ll feel like it has come to a conclusion. But also we’ve laid the ground work for further seasons.” 

Normally I'd advise against this level of confidence (it feels like a really good way to jinx one's own success), but Stranger Things is such a juggernaut that I think it's probably reasonable of the Duffers to be thinking forward a bit in terms of planning out the show's mythology. Let's just hope they're right, and that season two will be more of a contained jam, and less of a "setting up the chessboard for seasons three, four and/or five" situation. No one likes it when that happens.

Stranger Things returns to Netflix on Halloween. Start planning your viewing parties now.
