Netflix’s Latest Adam Sandler Movie Gets A Full-Length Trailer

It's time to prepare yourselves for SANDY WEXLER.

You know the drill. We've been here before. 

Several years ago, Netflix signed a deal with Adam Sandler to create a series of original movies for the platform, and (to his credit) Sandler immediately set about knocking them out, one by one, at regular intervals, with the type of artistic passion generally reserved for the manufacturing of cardboard boxes. 

The latest of those films, Sandy Wexler, arrives on Netflix this April. We've already seen a context-free teaser, but today we've got a full-length trailer, one which works very hard to let you know how many celebrity guest cameos the film will contain. There are many.

Here's the official plot synopsis:

Sandy Wexler is a talent manager working in Los Angeles in the 1990s who diligently represents a group of eccentric clients on the fringes of show business.  His single-minded devotion is put to the test when he falls in love with his newest client, Courtney Clarke, a tremendously talented singer who he discovers at an amusement park.

I guess Sandy Wexler looks like it's working with a little more heart than the average Sandler joint? A little on the schmaltzy side, maybe? I dunno, that's about all I have to add here. You probably knew well before watching this trailer whether or not you'd give this one a day in court, and so did I. 

Sandy Wexler hits Netflix on April 14th. You gonna add it to your queue or nah?
