Josh Gad Will Never Stop Bugging Daisy Ridley for LAST JEDI Details

Enter the tortured life of a STAR WARS star.

If you follow Josh Gad on Twitter, you're probably familiar with the actor's ongoing attempts to trick Daisy Ridley (Gad's current co-star in Kenneth Branaugh's Murder On The Orient Express) into sharing some Star Wars: The Last Jedi secrets with him.

Like so:

Or like so:

This has been going on for some time now, and it all came to a head in a new video Gad posted to Twitter this morning. Even if you think you're already over this particular meme, I encourage you to watch it. This one's special.

We admire Daisy Ridley's commitment to keeping Rian Johnson's Star Wars: The Last Jedi secrets; perhaps she's been taking notes from frequent Birth.Movies.Death. contributor Noah Segan, who has yet to tell us who the hell he's playing in Johnson's film, the bastard.

Oh, well. Star Wars: The Last Jedi will reveal all on December 15th.
