It’s Official: INDIANA JONES 5 Arrives On July 19th, 2019 (UPDATED)

Spielberg and Ford are getting the band back together.

Update: Hey, friends! Phil Nobile Jr. here. Turns out we just posted a year-old news story! Please be secure in the knowledge that we feel appropriately silly. I saw this tweet in my feed this morning, got all excited, and didn't check to see the date on it. (Truth be told, I need bifocals. It's something I'm going to have to face at this point. Moment of clarity and whatnot.) Anyway, I shared that tweet with the estimable Scott Wampler, and since Scott has absolute trust in my judgment (and also food poisoning, true story), he ran it without thinking twice.

We apologize, but we only rushed to post this exciting news that we forgot existed because we love you. I hope we can get past this together.


Let's get the facts out of the way upfront: according to a new post at the Walt Disney website, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford are officially onboard for (the yet-untitled) Indiana Jones 5. They've even got a release date: June 19th, 2019. 

Here's their statement on the matter:

Indiana Jones will return to the big screen on July 19, 2019, for a fifth epic adventure in the blockbuster series. Steven Spielberg, who directed all four previous films, will helm the as-yet-untitled project with star Harrison Ford reprising his iconic role. Franchise veterans Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall will produce.

“Indiana Jones is one of the greatest heroes in cinematic history, and we can’t wait to bring him back to the screen in 2019,” said Alan Horn, Chairman, The Walt Disney Studios. “It’s rare to have such a perfect combination of director, producers, actor and role, and we couldn’t be more excited to embark on this adventure with Harrison and Steven.”

We know nothing about who else might appear in it (smart bet says Shia won't be making an appearance), what it'll be about, or when it'll be set (if the franchise's timeline is anything to go by, this one should be taking place in the late 1960's), but with just over two years before Indiana Jones 5 hits theaters, it's likely we'll have something more to go on soon enough.

And now for the handwringing: are we absolutely sure this is a good idea? Did everyone involved learn - I mean, really learn - from Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull? Is Harrison Ford really up to the physical demands of this role? Will they use Indy 5 as a way to introduce a new, younger Indiana Jones, perhaps via flashback? Will this wrap the franchise on a high note, or further lower its batting average? Is that a risk we want to take? 

Lots to think about. Lots to worry about. Let's do it together in the comments below: what do you want to see from Indiana Jones 5?
