The Doof Warrior Will Return In MAD MAX: THE WASTELAND

George Miller says we haven't seen the last of FURY ROAD's strangest character.

In a new interview with The Independent, director George Miller provides a few new updates on what's going on with the follow-up to Mad Max: Fury Road

For starters: yes, Miller's still saying he'd like to do something small ("just to reboot the brain") before heading back into Max's apocalyptic world. Good news is, Miller claims to have screenplays for two more Mad Max movies already written, the first of which would be titled Mad Max: The Wasteland.

“We dug down deep into the subtext, the backstory of all the characters, and indeed the world…and without really thinking about it, we wrote two other screenplays just as part of the bible of the stories." 

“Somewhere, if the planets align, there will be two other films.”

Furthermore, Miller claims that we haven't seen the last of Fury Road's wackiest denizen, the flamethrower-guitar-wielding Doof Warrior:

“I know who his mother was. I know how it was that a man who is mute and blind survived the apocalypse. I know his story very well! If we get to make another movie, the Doof Warrior will be there!”

Eh, I'm not so sure we need the next Mad Max to explore the Doof Warrior's backstory (and besides, wasn't that already covered in tie-in the comics?), but then again: who am I to tell George Miller how to make a Mad Max movie? You do whatever the hell you want, sir, we'll be there on opening day.

Stay tuned for more on Mad Max: The Wasteland as updates become available. 
