Sounds Like We’re Finally Gonna Get Those MAD MAX: FURY ROAD Sequels

"The chaos has stabilized," says director George Miller.

Look, I love Mad Max: Fury Road. You loved Mad Max: Fury Road. Everyone loves Mad Max: Fury Road, and we'd all sacrifice vital body parts to see George Miller make a sequel (in fact, we'd like to negotiate for two sequels, if possible).

But the years since the release of that masterpiece have been fraught with tedious contractual bickering, and for the longest time the answer to the question "When are we getting a Fury Road sequel?" has been "Whenever Warner Bros. and George Miller's production company work their shit out in court." If you've ever been to court for something more serious than, say, a speeding ticket, you know that's a hilariously slow process.

Such has been the case with Miller and WB, but now, in a new interview with IndieWire, Miller's singing a slightly different tune. To hear him tell it, the end is in sight for WB/Miller's long-running legal battle, and once that's'll be time to head back into the Wastes. Here's what he said about the status of the case:

"It all started because of the chaos at Warner Bros. and not Kevin Tsujihara, it was pre all that. He wasn’t the antagonist, because a lot of people didn’t know what was going on and were not prepared to make a definitive stand; everybody was running around fearful, it seems, through three regimes. It was hard to get anyone’s attention, so we went to litigation. The chaos has stabilized and it’s become extremely positive as the dust seems to have settled after [the AT&T merger]."

The chaos has stabilized! The dust seems to have settled! Finally, some good news about the AT&T merger! And what's the status on the sequel itself? Is it one movie or two? Says Miller:

"There are two stories, both involving Mad Max, and also a Furiosa story. We’re still solving, we’ve got to play out the Warners thing, it seems to be pretty clear that it’s going to happen."

Miller has offered up some details on these new Mad Max movies in the past, but most of that chatter occurred years ago. It sounds like Miller's talking about three films in the quote above (two with Mad Max, one with Furiosa), and if we're interpreting that properly it means the plan has changed yet again. It stands to reason that the details of each story may have also changed, so who knows what these new Mad Max movies might be about.

More importantly: do you even care? More Mad Max is better than no Mad Max, especially if Miller himself is planning to tackle these films. We'll be happy with whatever we get. What'll that be? Stay tuned for more on the proposed Mad Max: Fury Road sequel(s) as further updates roll in, and hit the comments below if you've got anything to add here.
