Jordan Peele Just Signed A First-Look Deal With Universal

Great news for people who like exciting new filmmakers.

Jordan Peele's Get Out has raked in nearly $200M worldwide on the back of a $5M production budget, so - as you might expect - Hollywood's shown quite a bit of interest in working with him on his next film (or films).

Looks like congratulations are in order, then, to both Peele and Universal:

"(Universal) has signed Peele to a first-look overall production deal with his Monkeypaw Productions banner.

Under the two-year deal, Universal stakes a claim to Peele’s next film, an untitled social thriller that he will write, direct and produce. That project is looking to have a larger canvas than Get Out as the budget will be about five times bigger than his low-budget movie Peele made with producer Jason Blum."

We've known that Peele's next film would be a "socially-conscious thriller" pretty much since Get Out landed in theaters, but this is the first we're hearing of a quintupled budget. One might hear that and think, "Jordan Peele, like many talented young filmmakers before him, proved that you don't need piles of money to deliver an excellent movie", and fair enough. On the other hand, five-times-five is still only $25M, which - in an age where $200M is the going rate for the average summer blockbuster - is still quite a steal. 

Let's not get hung up on the money, though. The important thing here is, Jordan Peele's going to make more movies. And, as anyone who's seen Get Out can tell you, that's a very good thing, indeed. We can't wait to see what he'll do next.

What do you guys think it'll be?
