Announcing The Great Debate: IT COMES AT NIGHT

What's the best way to navigate an apocalypse? We're gonna settle that debate once and for all.

It's time once again for another Birth.Movies.Death. Great Debate!

On Monday, our own Scott Wampler will go head-to-head with Kalyn Corrigan to settle one of our longest-running internal debates: what's the best way to navigate an apocalypse? Does one go it alone, forsaking all randos in favor of self-preservation, or does one try and rebuild, helping as many as one can along the way? We don't want to spoil who'll be arguing for which side just yet, but - given the people involved - you can probably figure out who'll be arguing on behalf of Team Misanthrope.

Come on back this coming Monday (June 12th, if ya nasty) to hear Scott and Kalyn weigh in, at which point you'll be asked to cast your vote and determine which method of apocalypse survival reigns supreme. 

While you're waiting on that to happen: be sure to check out It Comes At Night in theaters this weekend (you can read Meredith's review here, should you need further encouragement).
