ATX Television Festival: The BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Reunion Was A Blast

The whole gang was here!

photo by Jack Plunkett

The hottest-ticket item at this year's ATX Television Festival was undoubtedly the Battlestar Galactica reunion, hosted by ATX along with Entertainment Weekly and SYFY. In attendance were creator Ronald D. Moore along with stars Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackhoff, Tricia Helfer, Grace Park, James Callis and Michael Trucco. 

The panel was full of laughs - it's clear that these guys still really like each other - and a few juicy tidbits, like the fact that, according to Moore, the cylons had "no fucking plan," despite much textual evidence to the contrary. 

I had a blast talking to the cast and Moore on the red carpet, and I've got the choicest interviews below for you guys! 

Ron Moore on the staying power of Battlestar Galactica:

And Michael Trucco on Battlestar's strong female roles:
