Looks Like PS4’s New SPIDER-MAN Game Is Gonna Kick Ass

Insomniac's latest looks incredibly cool.

I wouldn't even venture a guess as to how many Spider-Man games we've seen over the years. A dozen? Two dozen? If we're talking about every platform - everything from the Atari 2600 up through the PS4 - I'm guessing it could be even higher. If you're a die-hard Spider-Man fan, that's great! If you're a fan of great Spider-Man games, maybe not so much: for as many Web-slinger games as we've seen over the years, very few have been legitimately excellent.

Enter: the first trailer for Insomniac Games' Spider-Man, which will arrive on the PS4 next year. We're a few days late on getting this trailer in front of you folks, but surely a few of you missed it when it dropped over the weekend...and you really need to see this.

Truth be told, the Birth.Movies.Death. staff remains divided on the general awesomeness of the above. Yes, the trailer contains what we might consider a disconcerting number of QTE's, and yes, Insomniac appear to have adopted some of the Arkham games' tricks, but I'm not even sweating that stuff. Insomniac has a great track record in my household, and the cool stuff far outweighs anything I might have misgivings about. 

For instance: I love the interactivity of the environment (check out Spider-Man using his webs to take out multiple henchmen with one giant, iron girder!). I love how slick the animations are (check out the mo-cap work being done on Mr. Negative, the villain seen menacing Spider-Man from a chopper towards the end of this clip). I love the dialogue, Kingpin's little cameo, the sense of scale implied by that chase towards the end. I'm not even a Spider-Man fan, but this is shaping up to be a day-one purchase for me. 

What do you folks think? Into it or nah? Hash it out in the comments below while we're waiting for Spider-Man to arrive in 2018.
