Martin Freeman’s PARADISE LOST TV Series Will Be Like A “Biblical GAME OF THRONES”

Yes, THAT Martin Freeman.

Hollywood's been keen on getting a Paradise Lost adaptation off the ground for some time now (you may recall Alex Proyas' taking a run at the project all the way back in 2012, with Bradley Cooper playing Lucifer), but time and again the property has proven a tough nut to crack. 

Now there's a new adaptation in the works - a TV series, no less - and it's coming to us from a most unexpected source: Martin Freeman (The Hobbit), who will executive produce the series alongside Dancing Ledge CEO Laurence Bowen. The pair are currently shopping the project around to networks and looking for writers, and - from the sound of things - they have some very definite ideas about what the show should be like.

Says Bowen (as quoted by The Playlist, via Screen Daily):

Paradise Lost is like a biblical Games of Thrones transporting the reader into an internecine world of political intrigue and incredible violence. At stake? The future of mankind. There’s never been a better time for (a) big, original, bold drama series, and Martin and I both feel incredibly inspired by the material.”

For those who aren't aware, John Milton's Paradise Lost "retells the biblical story of the fall of man, with Satan tempting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden", and is generally considered one of the greatest works of literature ever produced. Pitching it as a sweeping, Game Of Thrones-esque TV series is actually a pretty clever move. This could be very interesting.

Freeman, meanwhile, is not yet confirmed to star in the series, but seems excited to give the Devil a soundtrack:

"Paradise Lost is epic, exciting and surprisingly modern. And maybe, for the first time, the devil gets all the best tunes!”

Nothing further to report at this time, but we'll obviously be keeping a close eye on this one and updating you as needed. In the meantime: what do you guys make of all this? Think this approach will work? Still mourning the death of Alex Proyas' version? Sound off in the comments below.

(Note: Header photo used with permission via Wikimedia Commons)
