48 Hours To Live: Martin Freeman Tries To Survive In Trailer For CARGO

A zombie nightmare sports a budding genre star.

Martin Freeman is on something of a genre cinema tear lately. First, he played a huge role in the biggest movie of 2018 (I'm not even going to qualify it with "thus far"), Black Panther. Next, he's got the modern Amicus horror anthology Ghosts Stories coming your way (which we saw at SXSW and liked a whole bunch). 

Now comes Cargo - the former UK Office star's next foray into fright cinema - where Freeman must deliver safe passage for his baby before becoming a zombie himself. The movie just had a trailer released, and it looks incredibly tense. 

Take a look:

Cargo was produced by The Babadook's Kristina Ceyton, and was written by Yolanda Ramke, who's also making her feature film debut as a director with co-director Ben Howling. That spot is fairly emotional, and Freeman is really stretching himself as a horror performer, so here's hoping the movie kicks all kinds of ass when it hits Netflix beginning May 18th.
