Lena Dunham And Jenni Konner Are In Talks To Write The TONI ERDMANN Remake

Well, that's an unexpected turn of events.

Remember that Toni Erdmann remake that was in the works, the one with Kristen Wiig and Jack Nicholson headlining? Well, sounds like that project has finally settled on a pair of writers: according to The Tracking Board, it's none other than Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner, who recently wrapped work on HBO's long-running comedy, Girls.

How you'll feel about all this will depend entirely on how you feel about remakes and HBO's Girls. Because I have yet to get around to seeing Toni Erdmann (I know, I know) and never actually saw an episode of Girls (I know, I know), I'm officially recusing myself of having an opinion. One suspects that you, the gentle Birth.Movies.Death. readers of the world, will have your own thoughts and feelings on the matter, and we encourage you to share them below.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think it's time I bumped a long-overdue Toni Erdmann viewing up to the top of my to-do list.
