ONLY THE BRAVE Trailer Redefines The Term “Flaming Bear”

Josh Brolin has rarely been more Josh Brolin-y.

Did you like the bear in The Revenant? Did you think it needed more flames, a la The Shallows' most metal shark ever? Boy, does forest-fire drama Only The Brave have you covered, as its trailer, released today, amply demonstrates.

Directed by Peter Berg under the pseudonym Joseph Kosinski,* the movie features a lot of Josh Brolin's jaw and a lot of CGI fire:

I've got a lot of favourite moments. The bear, obviously. "The Seal Team Six of firefighters." The dialogue that suggests the film really wants to be called "Certified Hotshots." The inclusion of team-building exercises in an action montage. "It's not easy sharing your man with a fire." The inexplicable reverb in an outdoor scene. Josh Brolin verbally challenging a forest fire to a duel. Gosh, this looks good.

Only The Brave hits cinemas October 20th. Let's go, fire bear.

* On a barely more-serious note: Kosinski is changing his palette from neon to flame with this one. His garage must be full of totally rad automobiles.
