Netflix’s LONG SHOT Looks Like Another Jaw-Dropping True Crime Doc

With a twist you 100% will not see coming.

Just a few moments ago, my good friend, frequent nemesis, and BMD's resident Bond expert Phil Nobile Jr. shot me the link to a YouTube video. "Don't read the description underneath the video," he said. "The reveal is amazing on its own."

Now, normally if Phil tells me not to do something, my next step is to immediately do that thing in as obnoxious a way as possible. But today I'm feeling benevolent, so I very magnanimously took Phil's advice and watched the trailer below with no further input. 

Folks, Phil is almost never right. But this time? My dude was dead on.

How great is that reveal? Just incredible.

Right now, there doesn't appear to be much information out there about Long Shot. We know it's a documentary short (and that it'll be premiering at the Telluride Film Festival next month), we know it's directed by newcomer Jacob LaMendola, and we know that it hits Netflix on September 29th. Beyond the fact that we can't wait to see it, that's all we know.  But, hey: we walked into the trailer blind and had our minds blown, so maybe we should keep ourselves in the dark about the rest of this project. 

Stay tuned for more on Long Shot if and when it becomes available. In the meantime: did this surprise you folks as much as it surprised us? Sound off in the comments below.
