The (Exceptionally Weird) First Clip From BLADE RUNNER 2049 Has Arrived

In which Ryan Gosling's Officer K visits a sweat shop.

Warner Bros. dropped the first clip from Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049 over the weekend, and it's ... well, it's a weird one.

Take a look.

So, here we have Ryan Gosling's Officer K barging into a sweatshop run by Lennie James' (character name unknown). After running a gauntlet of silent children - all of whom want to put their hands on 2017/2049's coolest jacket - Gosling reveals himself as a cop to James, which seems to set the latter into a tailspin. "Bigger than you have tried to shut me down," James says. "Bigger than you, and they were men." 


Honestly, we're not quite sure what to make of this clip! It's a weird moment to single out for the film's first officially-released clip, and we have almost zero context for whatever's going on here. Depending on your tolerance for this kind of thing, you'll either find that intriguing or infuriating. 

Two other things I want to point out here. One, I love the look we get at the outside world, which looks absolutely poisoned by environmental disaster. And two, the costume and set design here are fantastic, filled with all the wear, tear, detail and textured grit that're hallmarks of the Villeneuve aesthetic. If nothing else, the movie looks beautiful.

Blade Runner 2049 arrives on October 6th. We are foaming at the mouth with excitement to see it.
