Still No Trailer, But Please Enjoy This New Photo From Denis Villeneuve’s DUNE

Not the photo above. That's not even real.

Film geekdom continues to wait with baited breath for the first DUNE trailer, but until then we will have to make do with various production stills. It's not ideal, but it's a helluva lot better than nothing. And today's photo, which comes to us via Empire Magazine (with additional commentary from director Denis Villeneuve!), is actually pretty cool.

Let's take a look.

Says Villeneuve about the shot above:

“It’s Paul’s first contact with the deep desert, where he’s mesmerized by it. He has a strange feeling of being home. There’s a lot of action at this specific moment, and [it’s] one of the scenes in the movie that I’m starting to get pretty proud of.”

Paul, of course, would be Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet), DUNE's central character. He's joined there on the left by Gurney Halleck (former Thanos, Josh Brolin). There's not much to go on here, really, but we would like to point out how much we're enjoying DUNE's costumes. That get-up Brolin's wearing looks particularly badass. 

Will DUNE still hit theaters on December 18th? The jury remains out on that one, but we're keeping our fingers crossed. Stay tuned for further updates on that front as they roll in.
