Greta Gerwig’s LITTLE WOMEN Looks Like Just The LADY BIRD Follow-Up We Need

Well this looks charming as all get out!

I won't blow smoke up your ass with a flowery introduction.

Here's the trailer you clicked through for:

Well this looks charming as hell, don't it? If I'm completely honest, I was a little bit nervous about Little Women as Greta Gerwig's follow-up to Lady Bird, as I'm not the biggest fan of the stuffy prose of Louisa May Alcott's novel and I was concerned that it'd bog down the adolescent ennui that Gerwig so excels at. But low and behold, this movie actually looks fun! It doesn't seem weighed down by the pretense of many period pieces and, true to Gerwig's style the trailer exhibits an intense interest in the artistic and creative lives of its characters.

Starring - *deep breath* - Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Timothée Chalamet, Eliza Scanlen, Bob Odenkirk, Laura Dern, and Meryl Streep, Little Women has officially been upgraded from auteurial curiosity to one of the film's I'm most looking forward to come award season.

Does this trailer impress you as much as it did me? Commenters, you know what to do.
