No, Seriously, That’s Kevin Spacey In The First ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD Trailer

Watch out, Gary Oldman: another heavily made-up actor's gunning for that Oscar.

The first trailer for Ridley Scott's All The Money In The World just landed, and let's just cut straight to the chase: the thing everyone's gonna be talking about - beyond the beautiful cinematography, the gritty violence, and the all-star cast - is just how incredibly unrecognizable Kevin Spacey is in his role as J. Paul Getty, the richest man in the world at the time his grandson (John Paul Getty III) was kidnapped by a left-wing Italian paramilitary group.

Here. See for yourselves.

See what we mean? Pretty damn impressive.

In case the above wasn't clear, All The Money In The World tells the incredible true story of the 1973 kidnapping of John Paul Getty III, and his grandfather's shocking refusal to pay the ransom (if, like me, you enjoyed the trailer above and don't know how this particular story panned out, I would strongly advise against researching an article about this trailer on Wikipedia, because oh boy will that shit get spoiled for you).

This is Ridley Scott's second major release this year, following May's Alien: Covenant, and from where I'm standing it looks pretty damn great. What do you folks think? Into this as much as we are, or not so much? Sound off in the comments below.

All The Money In The World arrives on December 8th.
