Heads Up: GAMBIT Coming To Steal Yo Girl On Valentine’s Day

(Or boy. The man's a lover.)

It's all happening for Gambit right now.

Initially, Gore Verbinski was in talks to helm the film for Fox (he's since 100% signed and ready to bring the weird). Channing Tatum's already on board to toss some deadly cards and slather on that thick Hateful Eight accent. 

Now, the movie's got a release date -- Valentine's Day 2019 (that's February 14th for all the lonely hearts in the audience). 

Looks like Fox is betting on Gambit to own that weekend the same way Deadpool did last year. The filmmaker forward strategy the studio's taking to produce these pictures has paid off, both in terms of dollars and quality, so let's hope Verbinski's allowed to run wild a bit with his outlandish visual style. 
