Disney CEO Bob Iger Says DEADPOOL Will Remain R-Rated

This shouldn't be your biggest concern today, but if it is, there ya go.

This morning, it became official: Disney is officially moving to purchase 20th Century Fox, which means ... well, all kinds of things. Yes, that means the X-Men are now possibly in play in Disney's MCU, and yes, that means we might finally see a Fantastic Four movie that isn't a complete disaster. There are also less fun things to consider - the loss of jobs, the idea that Disney's threatening to become a monopoly, the possible end of Fox Searchlight. How you're choosing to wrap your head around today's news is, of course, entirely up to you.

For instance, maybe you're concerned this acquisition will mean an end to the R-rated superhero films (Logan, Deadpool) that Fox experienced so much success with over the past few years. Not so, says Disney CEO Bob Iger.

In a phone call with investors today, Iger reassured everyone that things would (probably) stay just as they are:

"(Deadpool) clearly has been and will be Marvel branded. But we think there might be an opportunity for a Marvel-R brand for something like Deadpool. As long as we let the audiences know what's coming, we think we can manage that fine." 

That's right, folks: if all goes according to plan, Deadpool will still be permitted to fuck while living under the Disney umbrella. Iger's comments almost seem to suggest the concept of an MCU division similar to the R-rated line of Marvel MAX comics, but that's entirely speculation on our part. We'll just have to see what happens.

Stay tuned for more on what's sure to be a long and complicated story as updates roll in, sound off with your thoughts and feelings in the comments below, and be aware that the Untitled Deadpool Sequel is still on track to arrive in theaters on June 1st.

Oh, and PS: this morning, Ryan Reynolds revealed this new piece of Untitled Deadpool Sequel art. It's pretty cool, but could use more nudity.
