Ridley Scott To Maybe, Possibly Make THE MERLIN SAGA For Disney

Oh, Ridley please.

Ridley Scott is eighty fucking years old, and sources say he's feeling that shit lately, doling out opinions and name-dropping potential projects like there's no tomorrow (because, let's face it, there may not be). 

He thinks Blade Runner 2049 was "too fucking long". He wants to know why you don't love Alien like you love Star Wars. He's made love to thousands of women, and may have possibly invented butter. Any claim is possible when you're facing the loaded .44 Magnum of mortality. 

The latest stop on Scott's "Farewell Tour Of Zero Fucks Given" finds him in talks with Disney to potentially direct one or the other Arthurian projects they're trying to set up. The first is a live-action adaptation of The Merlin Saga series by T.A. Barron which (according to Variety) sources say will be his next movie, produced by his Scott Free banner and written by Philippa Boyens (The Lord of the Rings trilogy). No deal has been closed as of yet, though, because you can't pin the man down. 

What is The Merlin Saga? Glad you asked. Per Variety:

"The series followed the origin story of a young Merlin who would go on to become the mentor of the classic literary character King Arthur."

Why it apparently took twelve books (split into three separate trilogies, no less) to tell this tale is beyond me, but I bet you Barron balls out of control with chains and shit due to their existence. Now his name could be credited as penning the source for Legend 2, so more power to him. 

The second potential project on Ridley's plate is a live-action adaptation of The Sword & The Stone, which Ridley entertained, but it doesn't sound like he belives in the fuckability of that title. Stay tuned for BMD's upcoming weekly column "What'd Ridley Do Now?", as we've decided to turn this blog into a Scott fansite, and will be embedding Dat Boi Wampler in this operation as the director's personal Salacious Crumb, cackling while Ridley continues to do whatever the fuck he wants. 

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