John Williams To Score STAR WARS: EPISODE IX

Breaking: water, also wet. Sky, most likely blue. Chewie, possibly a vegan.

Here's a sobering thought: John Williams turns 86 next month. That means there's a solid chance he may not be around to score Rian Johnson's next Star Wars trilogy. Maybe that's for the best - a new composer, not John Williams dying - as it'll be a completely fresh start, from the sonics on down, ushering fans into the next era of a galaxy far, far away (which, if reactions to The Last Jedi are to be believed, may be a bit rocky). 

However, while Williams is still on this planet, he's going to be providing the orchestration for J.J. Abrams' ultimate installment in this current trilogy, thus far only known as Episode IX. This should come as a surprise to no one, as Williams has been the consummate OST source for this series, ever since its inception in '77. There have been exceptions to this rule - such as Michael Giacchino providing the original music for Rogue One - but Williams has always been the name most associated with these classic scores. 

This news comes courtesy of a New Yorker profile of Williams' work on the franchise - which is totally great, and you should take a moment today to read in full - and backed up by a quote in Variety where Williams simply states: "I would very much like to complete that." Mr. Williams, hopefully this isn't your final offering, but if it is, it just feels right. 

Episode IX hits theaters December 20, 2019. 
