Jessica Chastain And Octavia Spencer Are Making Their Own PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES

In which two former THE HELP co-stars take a road trip.

In the brave year of our lord two-thousand and eighteen, one expects to see many surprising things online each day. Fully grown adults eating laundry detergent for the lulz? Sure, of course. A sex scandal involving the president and a porn star? Obviously. A Planes, Trains And Automobiles-esque buddy comedy starring Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer, who previously starred together in The Help? Didn't see that one coming.

Here's the news, via The Hollywood Reporter:

"Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer are teaming up for an untitled holiday comedy set up at Universal.

Chastain and Kelly Carmichael wrote the original treatment and Peter Chiarelli will write the script, which centers on two women who hope to make it home for Christmas."

THR goes on to specifically state that the project's being described as "in the vein of Planes, Trains and Automobiles", which would lead one to believe that Chastain and Spencer will be playing mismatched travel companions. It might also mean that the script calls for one of these actresses to get into a very profane altercation with Edie McClurg. We'll just have to wait and see.

No word yet on who might direct or when this one might arrive, but we're curious to learn more and will keep you informed as the updates roll in. While we're waiting, feel free to use the above as a reason to celebrate Planes, Trains And Automobiles (which, as you know, is inarguably the greatest Thanksgiving movie ever made) in the comments section below.
