He Is The Law: Karl Urban To Star In Amazon’s Series Adaptation Of THE BOYS

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Karl Urban is the shit. He completely owned the title role in Dredd, transforming what could've been a DTV lark into a bona fide trash action classic (minting an iconic central figure). His Leonard "Bones" McCoy is arguably the best part of JJ Abrams' New Wave Star Trek movies. Hell, even when he shows up in Redbox cheap thrills like Isaac Florentine's Acts of Vengeance, his mere presence alone elevates the picture. 

So, it feels slightly redundant to say we're excited to hear he's signed on to play Billy Butcher in the upcoming Amazon series adaptation of The Boys being headed up by Supernatural's Eric Kripke, along with Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (whose take on Preacher just keeps getting better and better with each season). But hey, we're here to let you know we're pretty stoked on this news nonetheless. 

Based on the comic series of the same name, the show will follow the titular superpowered CIA squad who closely monitor the superhero community as their celebrity status has corrupted them and led them to engage in reckless behavior compromising the world. Think: Watchmen, but with more profanity, splatter and boobs. It's all pretty juvenile, but still works as a crass bit of silliness. 

Urban's Butcher is the leader of the squad, who holds a personal agenda as he enlists the help of a man torn apart by his girlfriend’s death at the hands of a superhero, along with the rest of the squad. He also swears a lot and looks good in a leather jacket. Basically, it's the perfect role for Urban's gravelly sexuality. 

Getting a weekly dose of Karl Urban is going to be a treat unto itself, but seeing how Amazon approaches Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson's series is going to be real intriguing, as The Boys was essentially created to be one of the most graphically violent and sexual comics of all time. When freed from the confines of any sort of ratings system, Kripke, Rogen and Goldberg could really go wild. 

The Boys is set to hit Amazon in 2019, so you have the rest of the year to subscribe, or possibly face Urban's judgment instead. 
