It’s Official: AMC Is Bringing Joe Hill’s NOS4A2 To Television

This is gonna be awesome.

All the way back in December of 2015, we learned that AMC was in the process of setting up a new series based on Joe Hill's excellent fantasy-horror novel, NOS4A2. We celebrated this development, urged everyone to read the book, and then ... nothing. No further updates.

In the time since, we'd kinda forgotten this thing was even a possibility, but today an exciting update arrived via the good folks at Entertainment Weekly:

"AMC is officially in the Joe Hill business.

The cable network has picked up 10 episodes of NOS4A2, a supernatural horror drama based on Hill’s acclaimed novel of the same name ... Hill will executive-produce NOS4A2 alongside creator/showrunner Jami O’Brien (Fear The Walking Dead) and Tornante Television co-president Lauren Corrao."

Yes, AMC is officially moving forward with their NOS4A2 adaptation, and they've already committed themselves to a 10-episode first season. This is excellent news for fans of the novel, and particularly exciting for the Joe Hill fans in the crowd: we've been repeatedly teased with the possibility of a Locke & Key series, only to have it snatched away from us time and time again. Here, at last, is a Hill series we can get excited about (for at least 10 episodes).

For those of you unfamiliar with the novel, EW's got a pretty solid breakdown of the plot:

"NOS4A2 introduces Vic McQueen, a young, working-class artist who discovers she has a supernatural ability to track the seemingly immortal Charlie Manx. Manx feeds off the souls of children, then deposits what remains of them into Christmasland, a twisted Christmas village of his imagination where every day is Christmas and unhappiness is against the law. Vic must strive to defeat Manx and rescue his victims — without losing her mind or falling victim to him herself."

There's no word on who might star in this series, but Hill offers the following statement:

“I couldn’t be more excited about the forthcoming adaptation of NOS4A2. I know it’s in good hands with showrunner Jami O’Brien: Her beautifully composed scripts show a writer at the height of her powers, one who has an exquisite touch with character and a relentless instinct for suspense. AMC’s record speaks for itself: Who wouldn’t want to be in business with the Mad Men who Broke Bad and made The Dead Walk? And Tornante’s dedication to bringing singular visions to TV has freed everyone involved to do their best and truest work. I can’t wait to see Vic McQueen turn the throttle and go after Charlie Manx in 2019. Let’s ride.”

We're very excited about all this, and will be keeping a close eye on this series as it works its way through production (hey, AMC: we'd really like a set visit on this one, please). Stay tuned for further updates as they roll in. In the meantime, my fellow Joe Hill fans are encouraged to hit the comments below to celebrate (also, side note: while we're here, can we talk about how Hill's short story, "Best New Horror", is one of the most unsettling reads of all time?).
