FOX Just Cancelled Most of Its Best Comedies

Today is a day of mourning.

Today, the FOX network (the reasonably good one, not the evil, news-based clown parade your dipshit uncle watches) stages its very own Red Wedding, cancelling three of its most beloved comedies: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Last Man on Earth and The Mick.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine - which starred Andy Samberg, Chelsea Peretti, Joe Lo Truglio and Terry Crews, among others - lasted five seasons before it got the axe, and its cancellation seems to have generated the most severe social media outcry. Even as we speak, folks on Twitter are asking the Netflix Gods to pick up the series.

The Will Forte-starring Last Man on Earth lasted four seasons before the plug got pulled today, and will be remembered as one of the funniest, weirdest, ballsiest shows of the past decade. This evening, we suggest filling your Margarita Pools in Last Man on Earth's honor. Drink deeply, and remember the good times.

Meanwhile, The Mick is a show no one at BMD has ever watched - despite our love for a number of the people involved - and as such, we have little opinion to offer on its cancellation. We would, however, like to offer our sincere condolences to those left shattered by its death. It lived for two seasons.

This is a rough turn of events for a whole bunch of TV comedy fans, so we wanted to give you folks a place to mourn the loss of these shows. You are cordially invited to do so now in the comments below, and please don't be shy about deploying those Brooklyn Nine-Nine gifs. 
