Trailer For ESCAPE PLAN 2 Sends Sly To Hell

The DTV prison break sequel looks right up our alley.

I know I keep beating this drum (and will continue to do so): but the DTV action scene is so goddamn good right now. About once or twice a month, we're getting a new cheap thrill that's ready to smash faces and take names. For those of us who grew up on a steady diet of Cannon Films, Vestron Video, and Key Video, it's a helluva time to be alive. 

Now comes Escape Plan 2: Hades - Redbox auteur Steven C. Miller's follow-up to the slightly underloved '13 Sly/Arnie action jawn - and it looks plenty polished and amped up. Hades also features one hell of a cast (pun intended): Sly Stallone, Dave Bautista, and Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, who comprise a top notch security team, looking to break one of their own (Xiaoming Huang) out of the titular high tech cage. 

Check out the trailer for a ton of punching and Bautista shooting big ass machine guns (really the whole reason cinema was invented): 

Fine, Mr. Miller. You sold me. Count me as totally psyched to watch Hades from my couch, while inhaling massive clouds of weed smoke. 

Escape Plan 2: Hades hits Blu-ray and VOD June 29th. I'm gonna review the shit out of it, more than likely. 
