Rumor Has It: Ryan Reynolds May Be Getting Caught In BERMUDA TRIANGLE

Has Sam Raimi's supernatural INDIANA JONES nabbed itself a mouthy merc?

Sam Raimi's Bermuda Triangle sounds like a project that combines a bunch of his fascinations into one hunk of big budget pulp. It's reportedly an Indiana Jones style adventure, where a team of explorers head into the titular mythical wasteland of the North Atlantic. Fans have waited a while for Raimi to indulge these tendencies again - as the gonzo auteur's opted instead to deliver Disney tent poles that are qualitatively so-so at best - as it'd be nice to have him going HAM in a large-scale genre arena. I mean, one of the times he decided to riff this hard on old school serials resulted in Darkman, which still stands as my favorite of his films. 

Speaking of hunks: rumor has it Ryan Reynolds is set to star in Raimi's Bermuda Triangle. We've been hearing whispers about this for a little while now, but The Hashtag Show is running wild out in the streets with an "Exclusive!" that he's been 100% confirmed, and are also expanding upon the plot of Friday the 13th reboot writers Damian Shannon and Mark Swift's script:

"When a massive submarine carrying nuclear weapons goes missing in the Bermuda Triangle, Commander Vogel enlists the help of Dr. Fisk (likely Reynolds), a theoretical physicist. While using his grandfather’s research, Fisk opens a wormhole to reveal a mysterious island that is inhabited by anything lost in the triangle including Sharks, Vikings, and Nazis, in the hopes of finding the nuclear weapons.”

There's no trade report to back this up as of yet, so (no offense Hashtag Show) we're going to treat this as "big, if true" until it's confirmed by, you know, Variety and shit.

In the meantime, what do you guys think? Excited to see Raimi jumping back into the genre pool with both feet? Curious to watch Ryan Reynolds spit smarm while doing his best Indy? Sound off in the comments below. 
