Nathan Fillion Made an UNCHARTED Short Film (And It Kinda Rules)

If you want something done right, sometimes you gotta do it yourself.

Hollywood's been trying to get an Uncharted movie off the ground for years now, but - try as they might - no one seems able to get the project across the starting line. 

The game, which revolves around a globetrotting, Indiana Jones-style treasure hunter by the name of Nathan Drake, seems like it'd be perfect fodder for a big, summer action movie, and fans of Naughty Dog's franchise have long expressed interest in seeing Nathan Fillion play the lead role (Hollywood, in return, suggested Mark Wahlberg; they eventually landed on Tom Holland). Fillion looks like Drake, he sounds like Drake, he wisecracks like Drake, and he's definitely got the physicality to be believable in the role. 

And now he's gone and proven it. In a new short film from director Allan Unger, Fillion finally gets to play the role he was quite clearly destined to play. The results are even better than we could've hoped for. 

Check it out:

Pretty cool, right? Fillion's clearly got the Nathan Drake character down (this is not surprising; anyone who's been paying attention could've told you the man could do this part in his sleep), and what a pleasant surprise it is, seeing Stephen Lang pop up in the role of Sully! Sure, Ungar's short was clearly made on a budget, but in terms of establishing "Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake" as a proof-of-concept thing, we think he was more than successful. 

Obviously, the fact that this short exists does not mean we're guaranteed to see an Uncharted movie starring Nathan Fillion. But for 15 glorious minutes, we've seen what that could be like, and for that we must be very thankful. Here's hoping Naughty Dog and Sony don't ask for this to be taken down.

Stay tuned for more on the perpetually in-development Uncharted movie that probably won't end up starring Nathan Fillion as further updates become available (at last we heard, Tom Holland's onboard to star and wants Chris Pratt to play Sully, but who even knows if that's still happening). In the meantime: what do you folks think? Feeling this or nah? Sound off in the comments below.

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