GLOW Bodyslams Its Way To A Third Season

Also, you should totally be watching GLOW.

We hem and haw a lot about how Netflix rules the world now. And it’s true, they do. It’s also true that many of their show seasons are arbitrarily too long (looking at you Marvel), and there might just be too many damn shows, period.

But some of their programming makes it worth all that. I can’t imagine a show like Love being anywhere except streaming, for instance, and I think the same goes for the utterly unique and charming GLOW.

Which is my long-winded way to inform you that GLOW will be getting a third season and that is a very good thing. While GLOW’s first season was great, they really kicked things up a notch in terms of plot, character growth and, well, wrestling in season two. Further developments in season three are very welcome, especially considering how the last season ended (don’t worry, I’m not going to spoil it).

At the moment, we still don’t know when we can expect season three to arrive. I’m assuming it’ll probably be around next summer, but who knows. In the meantime, I’m taking this as a rare Monday win.
