The First BALLAD OF BUSTER SCRUGGS Trailer Just Moseyed Into Town

Yup. This definitely looks like a Coen Bros. movie.

We've been dying to get a look at the The Ballad of Buster Scruggs ever since the project was announced. A western anthology starring James Franco, Brendan Gleeson, Zoe Kazan, Liam Neeson, Tim Blake Nelson, Tom Waits, Clancy Brown, and Stephen Root (along with many, many others)? And it's written/directed by the Coen brothers? This writer's not sure how anyone could not be excited about such a thing (especially the Tom Waits part).

Anyway, the first trailer for the Netflix film just landed, and it looks...well, see what you think.

Given how excellent the Coen Bros.' True Grit was, it's kind of amazing to realize it's taken them eight years to make another western. Good news is, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs appears to have been worth the wait: this looks goofy, sinister, weird and fun, which is about all one can ask for from any new Coen Bros. joint. We're into all of this, and can't wait for it to arrive.

Here's an official synopsis, which admittedly doesn't tell us much:

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is a six-part Western anthology film, a series of tales about the American frontier told through the unique and incomparable voice of Joel and Ethan Coen. Each chapter tells a distinct story about the American West.

If you'd like to learn more about Buster Scruggs' various chapters, you can head on over to this page. Everyone else should stand by and wait for the film's November 16th arrival on Netflix. Y'all gonna tune in as soon as it hits the service, or think you'll take an "I'll get around to it eventually" approach? Sound off in the comments below.
