This Is Not A Drill: Jon Hamm Would Be Down To Play Batman

Get this man in a cowl, pronto.

It's looking increasingly unlikely (if it was ever likely!) that Ben Affleck will return to play Batman in Matt Reeves' forthcoming The Batman, which means someone else is gonna have to slip into the Caped Crusader's cowl, but who could it be?

Just yesterday we were kicking around the concept of Ryan Gosling taking over the role, but today a new idea has been brought to our attention, courtesy the wildly talented Jon Hamm. 

Yes, that's right - Jon Hamm is interested in playing Batman. 

Of course, he'd be interested in the role depending on a few key factors, notably the screenplay and what kind of story the film would be telling. In the clip above (via In Depth With Graham Bensinger), Hamm says he's a huge comic book fan. Been reading 'em for years. He loves the genre (he particularly loved Black Panther), thinks he'd fit the suit (though he's not crazy about all the physical training the role would presumably require), and says - should Warner Bros. come knocking - "Why not?" 

Why not, indeed. We love the idea of Jon Hamm for Batman, and sincerely hope this throwaway answer to a throwaway question on Graham Besinger's internet talk show snowballs into something official with Reeves and Warner Bros. Of course there are many, many great actors who'd be a great fit for Batman, but now that we're picturing Jon Hamm in the role, nothing else will suffice. Let's make this happen, Hollywood.

What do you folks think? Into the idea of Hammman? Not so much? Who do you want for the role, and why is it Jon Hamm? Sound off in the comments below, and stay tuned for more on The Batman as further updates become available.

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