It’s Official: Ryan Coogler Will Return To Write And Direct BLACK PANTHER 2

As if there was ever any doubt.

Hey, everyone: in a development which will shock absolutely no one, Ryan Coogler is officially onboard to write and direct Black Panther 2, the sequel to the little superhero movie that raked in over $1.3B (that's Billion, with a capital-ass B) at the worldwide box office earlier this year. 

The news comes to us from Variety, who just announced as much in a new post. 

As of this writing, there's nothing further to share. We don't know what Black Panther 2 will be about (or, indeed, if that'll even wind up being the title), where it'll fit in the overall chronology of Marvel films, when it'll hit theaters, or who - beyond star Chadwick Boseman, who's definitely expected to return - might appear in the film. We know that it's happening, and we know Coogler will write and direct the film. That's about it. 

But, hey, if you ever had any doubt this'd be the outcome, you can rest easy. Coogler's back, Black Panther's coming back, and the results are probably going to kick just as much ass as they did the first time around. Get hyped.
