The Bullet Settles Everything: Here’s A Trailer For The MISS BALA Remake

In which Mexico's 2012 Best Foreign Language Oscar submission gets an action movie makeover from Catherine Hardwicke.

If you haven't seen Gerardo Naranjo's Miss Bala yet, it's time to take a break from your Halloween horror movie viewing and sit down with that straight-up scorcher. The tale of an aspiring beauty queen turned murder witness, drug cartel slave and avenging angel, the movie was Mexico's official submission into the Best Foreign Language Film category of the 84th Academy Awards in 2012, and for good reason: it totally rips. 

Like many amazing foreign language films, Hollywood now has their hands on it, and has transformed Miss Bala into an English-speaking action movie starring Gina Rodriguez (in the lead role), Anthony Mackie and Ismael Cruz Córdova (all being directed by Catherine Hardwicke). The end result looks pretty slick, though the PG-13 rating is certainly giving this writer a moment of pause. 

Check it out: 

Speaking with EW (who premiered the trailer), Rodriguez had this to say about the redux: 

“I had been dying to do action for so long, and it’s very difficult because people of color don’t have as many opportunities. And that’s not even like a ‘Woe is me.’ That’s just a reality, and that’s okay. That has been a reality of mine for many, many, many years. [With Miss Bala], Sony made a big-budget action film with a 95 percent Latinx cast and 95 percent Latinx production crew. It’s revolutionary. It’s just really great to live in these spaces that for so long I didn’t have the opportunity to.”

Good on Sony for putting this into production, and we'll definitely be checking Miss Bala out when it hits theaters February 1st, 2019. 
