The Evil That Myers Birthed: Here Comes Patrick Lussier & Todd Farmer’s TRICK

The first in what's sure to be a new wave of body count cinema following the box office success of HALLOWEEN.

If you're an aspiring filmmaker in Hollywood right now, let me give you a quick tip: write a horror screenplay (preferably a slasher). If you have one sitting in a drawer, take that shit out, dust that motherfucker off, do a quick polish, and start making some phone calls. Halloween just made all the money at the box office, and there's going to be a new boom in the world of body count entertainment that you're going to want to get in on. 

Being old pros in the horror game, Patrick Lussier and Todd Farmer (who collaborated together on both the My Bloody Valentine redux and Drive Angry) are already one step ahead of us, as their latest collaboration Trick is moving forward, courtesy of Film Bridge International's Ellen S. Wander, who will produce alongside Revek Entertainment’s Gabriela Lugo. Set to star Dermot Mulroney, Trick is centered around: 

" elusive serial killer who descends upon a small town annually and is responsible for gruesome murders year after year, each in different jurisdictions and seemingly unrelated. No one believes this could be the same killer, but Detective Mike Denver (Mulroney) has faced Trick once before — he shot and killed him. Or so everyone keeps telling him."

So, Mulroney is Loomis and Trick is our Shape. Got it. To be fair, we're not exactly sure if this is a straight up slasher picture (paging BMD guest contributor Farmer for more details!), but the basic logline reads in such a way that it's easy to understand why a producer would hear that pitch and instantly see dollar signs on the Monday following Halloween's $77.5 million BO debut. Being huge fans of whenever Lussier and Farmer get together (as both of those aforementioned movies are absolute hoots), we're glad they're able to combine forces again to ostensibly capitalize on this impending wave. 

Mulroney is also no stranger to the genre, having appeared in a handful of chillers over the years (including Insidious: Chapter 3 and Zodiac), and will no doubt bring his usual sense of handsome class to the proceedings. Farmer and Lussier penned the script for Trick together, with Lussier set to direct. No word on a start date yet (with worldwide sales still being handled at the upcoming American Film Market), but we're psyched to keep up with this project. Happy Halloween! 
