Ghost In The Machine: Here’s The Trailer For Fantastic Fest Fave CAM

One of 2018's best genre pictures is a neon nightmare.

CAM is basically a Millennial take on Ken Russell's Crimes of Passion, with some of Blumhouse's trademark supernatural spookiness tossed in for good measure. Basically everyone who saw it at this year's Fantastic Fest flipped for it, including Leigh, who was really impressed with how the horror picture presented sex work

"It is absolutely refreshing to see a film frame sex work as neither scandalous nor fetishized. This has a lot to do with writer Isa Mazzei being a former camgirl herself, so the tone of the film is reflective of the apparently radical idea that the women behind camgirl personas are, in fact, real women, complete with lives, families, and a desire to succeed at their chosen profession. But Cam is also completely unafraid to break down the guilt inherent in sex work when operating in a society that aims to shame sex workers at every opportunity even as it consumes what they produce."

Meanwhile, Andrew labeled the film an authentic fever dream out of Fantasia:  

"What follows from there is a Lynchian nightmare of identity theft and fractured personae, speaking uniquely to the camgirl world and broadly to the world of social media."

Now, you can take a look at the upcoming, neon-slathered Netflix thriller for yourself, thanks to a new trailer was just dropped:

Oh hell yes. While it's easy to skip out on most of what Netflix unceremoniously releases on their platform, CAM it totally one you don't want to miss. It's strange, trippy and totally unsettling. BMD loves it, and we think you will, too. 

CAM hits Netflix November 16th. Gather the grandparents 'round the TV for a Turkey Day viewing. What could go wrong? 
