It’s A Hunt: Here’s The Epic Third Trailer For ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL

This movie looks BIG.

Not to tell tales out of class, but the general consensus at BMD is that Robert Rodriguez's Alita: Battle Angel looks bad. The goofy over-sized eyes, the weird action beats, Christoph Waltz looking sort of embarrassed to be there. Everything is just a little "off" about this picture, and not in a good way. 

Well, I'm here to say I'm into whatever's happening in the third trailer for Rodriguez and James Cameron's big ass live-action adaptation of the Japanese manga/anime staple. As a life-long Cameron apologist, I can feel his hand (not to mention his tech) guiding this footage more than anything else.

Take a look: 

All of the problems stated above remain, but there's something about the overly earnest tone and giant, silly robot action that has be jonesing to see this. It may end up being terrible, but I'm gonna give it a shot, goddammit. Plus, I have trouble hating on anything that gifts Mahershala Ali such an otherworldly villain role. 

We’ll find out when Alita: Battle Angel hits theaters February 14th, 2019.
