BROOKLYN NINE-NINE Goes Full DIE HARD In First Season Six Trailer

With multiple endings!

It was quite a rollercoaster ride when we almost lost Brooklyn Nine-Nine earlier this year, only to have it saved with surprising swiftness by NBC. Starting in January, thirteen more episodes of the show will arrive and everyone can get back in touch with their favorite hilarious - and weirdly competent - police gang.

If there was any lingering fear that the shift to NBC would change or ruin the show, the following season six trailer should put those concerns to rest:

That’s less a trailer than a full-blown short, one that lets Jake Peralta live out his dream of being John McClane to the stunned admiration of his colleagues (he's even barefoot!). It’s silly but awesome, and while not big-screen quality, it certainly feels like NBC spent some money on it, which bodes well for the show’s future.

And, if you don’t like the ending, you can just try this one!

Like Holt says, Brooklyn Nine-Nine will be hitting the National Broadcasting Corporation January 10. Be there!
