Report Suggests Bryan Singer’s Been Fired From RED SONJA

Cool if true.

There's been some skeevy drama as of late involving WB chairman Kevin Tsujihara, director Neil Marshall, an actress by the name of Charlotte Kirk, and Avi Lerner, CEO of Millenium Films. The entire situation's a gross clusterfuck, sadly emblematic of both the state of the industry and the ongoing need for the #MeToo movement, but it's not necessarily something we'd cover here on the site (if you're curious, you can learn more here).

Now, however, a recent report on the matter seems to have revealed something newsworthy. Buried (and I do mean buried; shout-out to The Playlist for shining a spotlight on this particular detail) in The Hollywood Reporter's latest post on the Tsujihara/Kirk/Lerner brouhaha is the following paragraph: 

"Lerner made news recently when he hired Bryan Singer to direct a reboot of Red Sonja. After Singer was accused in an Atlantic magazine article of sexually assaulting underaged boys, Lerner dismissed the story as "agenda-driven fake news," then walked the statement back. Eventually, he dropped Singer from the project because he was unable to secure a domestic distributor."

Yes, according to THR, director Bryan Singer has been shitcanned off Millenium's long-gestating Red Sonja reboot, allegedly because Lerner and company couldn't find anyone willing to distribute the film in the States. This news arrives mere weeks after Lerner appeared bullish on demands that Singer be removed from the project. The unsurprising lesson here seems to be that money speaks louder than, y'know, perfectly valid complaints from a large section of the industry and the moviegoing populace. 

As of this writing, nothing's been made official regarding Singer's status on Red Sonja, but THR's report has been up for over 24 hours without any updates. If this weren't true, you have to assume someone at Millenium (perhaps Lerner, or one of his lawyers) would have asked for an edit. We'll be keeping an eye on this sitch as it develops, but for now we're prepared to believe this thing ain't happening. Good.

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