New HELLBOY Clip Features Hellboy Kickin’ Back And Eatin’ Some Pizza

It's probably what all Hellboys do after a long day spent kicking ass.

A new clip from Neil Marshall's forthcoming Hellboy reboot made its way online today. As you'll soon see, it features our titular hero (David Harbour, sans shirt) and Professor Bruttenholm (Ian McShane) having a chat in what appears to be Hellboy's tastefully-decorated and meticulously-trashed living room area.

Take a look and see what you think.

Well, this is a weird clip, isn't it?

Something about Hellboy's speech and makeup still feels a little off, and this seems like a decidedly low-key clip to be sharing from a film where a gigantic red demon fights other gigantic demons with the help of weird government operatives. We don't want to tell this marketing team how to do their jobs, obviously; we're just saying, we might've gone with something a bit more dynamic. That last trailer indicated this Hellboy wouldn't skimp on the spectacle, so let's see s'more of that footage!

But, hey - who knows? Maybe they're saving the Big Guns for audiences who show up when Hellboy hits theaters on April 12th. We'll know soon enough.
