Sounds Like Tom Hanks Is Joining Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis Presley Biopic

In which we find out Baz Luhrmann's making an Elvis Presley biopic.

I guess the first thing you're wondering is, "Wait, Baz Luhrmann - director of Moulin Rouge! and The Great Gatsby - is making a biopic about Elvis Presley?"

We're just finding that out ourselves, and whoa nelly, has it created quite the stir behind the scenes among the BMD staff, who seem torn as to whether or not that's a good idea. The thing no one's arguing, however, is whether Luhrmann is a stone-cold visionary, and whether his Elvis Presley biopic might end up looking and sounding spectacular. Of course it will.

The second thing you're probably wondering is, "Wait, did you say Tom Hanks?" We did, indeed, but not for the titular role.

Here's THR with the news:

"Tom Hanks is in negotiations to star in an untitled Elvis Presley biopic being made by Baz Luhrmann...The search for the actor to play Presley is currently underway. Hanks, if a deal makes, will play Colonel Tom Parker, the legendary manager who controlled every aspect of Elvis’ life."

Can we imagine Tom Hanks as Presley's sleazy, controlling, weapons-grade huckster of a manager? Oh, most definitely (picture Hanks in the Coen Brothers' The Ladykillers and you're probably not too far off). Can we imagine Tom Hanks in a Baz Luhrmann movie, period? That's a taller order. One cannot help but wonder if this one'll be a musical, or something more straightforward. THR doesn't specify, but does say that the film will folks on Elvis and his relationship with Parker when the singer was at the peak of his powers. 

Obviously, we're very curious to learn more about this one, and will be keeping our ear to the ground for further updates. Stay tuned for those as they roll in.
